This is how we help you on your way

Curious about our approach? Our experts will help you in five steps towards a future-proof fleet or mobility package. Each step is available separately. 

1. Market & trend analysis

Discover the latest mobility sector trends and where the opportunities are for your company during an extensive market and trend analysis.

2. Profiling, parameters & set-up

Together with you, our experts look for the ideal set-up for your fleet or mobility solutions for your employees. Based on their advice, you can slightly optimise or completely transform your fleet or mobility package.

3. Analysis & results

We translate the proposed approach into a TCO per car or a mobility budget per employee category. You'll be given a clear overview of the total cost and can compare all options.

4. Policy & guidelines

Update your car policy to the modern EV era or shape your mobility policy with the help of our experts. During an interactive workshop we put everything on paper.

5. Follow-up & operations

We keep your lease budgets up-to-date through regular evaluation moments. If you chose the mobility programme, we inform your employees about the new approach in a Q&A session.

Want to know more about our services?

Contact our experts for a (digital) chat with no obligation. We'll happily explore how we can help you.