Gain insight into the market and trends

Time to renew your vehicle fleet or update your mobility package? But you have no idea how best to go about this? Discover what's happening in the world of mobility with the help of our consultants. Together we dive into the latest trends, legislation and interesting opportunities. You'll discover:

  • Everything about the most recent (tax) regulations
  • New players and models on the EV market
  • Changing needs and solutions for employees
  • What other companies are doing

Why a market and trend analysis?

  • Take strategic decisions. Make future-proof choices that meet your corporate objectives and provide tax benefits.
  • Stay ahead of the competition. Anticipate market changes and adapt your mobility strategy to keep your competitive advantage.
  • Attract new talents. Put your company in the spotlight as an interesting employer with a smart fleet or mobility package.
  • Get on top of the legislation. Our experts help you navigate the complex regulations relating to mobility to ensure your mobility solutions always meet the latest requirements.

Get bespoke legal advice

Curious how we can help you? Our experts will happily listen to you. Contact us for a (digital) chat with no obligation.